Need an experienced speaker?
We happen to have oneSarah has spoken at many events across the country on digital marketing topics. She is a knowledgeable and enthusiastic speaker with a great track record
Speaker Opportunities

Sarah has spoken at many events for the Department of International Trade as well as client specific masterclasses / training.
Presentation times are dependant on your requirements as they are scalable, here are some of titles we have given in the past:
- Website Internationalisation: How to internationalise your website correctly
- SEO and content marketing: How to get your site ranking and what tools to use
- Social Media: How to make it work
- Advertising: platform overview and how to optimise your campaigns
- eMarketplace’s: What are they and how do they work?
- How to use analytics to gain meaningful and actionable data
Past Events
These are all the past events Sarah has presented at:
Department for International Trade | Digital Strategy (1/2 day session)
Birmingham University | International Social Media & eMarketplaces
Birmingham University | International eCommerce
Global Freight Solutions - International expansion in the face of Brexit | International eCommerce
Department for International Trade | International eCommerce
Department for International Trade | Online Advertising and Social Media
Department for International Trade | SEO and International eMarketplaces
Department for International Trade | All Things Digital Masterclass
Department for International Trade | Website Internationalisation and Expanding your global digital footprint
Portastor – Social Media Training
TT Pumps bespoke training | LinkedIn, Online Advertising and SEO
Selling Online Conference, Ricoh Arena | Website Internationalisation and Social Media
Department for International Trade | How to Sell your products Online Masterclass
Innovate, NEC | Website Internationalisation and Social Media
Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce | Villa Park, Birmingham | Website Internationalisation and Social Media
SME, NEC | Website Internationalisation and Social Media
IoD Breakfast Meeting | Website Internationalisation and Social Media
Meet the buyers - Gulf Region | Website Internationalisation and Social Media
Department for International Trade | Export Essentials
Spring Fair – NEC | Website Internationalisation and Social Media
Exporting to Central Europe: Meet the Experts | Website Internationalisation and Social Media
International Trade Hub Event| Website Internationalisation and Social Media
First Time Exporter event | Website Internationalisation and Social Media
Meet the expert event – Coventry | Website Internationalisation and Social Media
Digital boot camp - Grow your sales | Website Internationalisation and Social Media